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Plan 9 From Outer Space | Full Movie In HD | The Worst Sci-Fi Movie EVER! | Edward D. Wood Jr.

In California, an old man grieves the loss of his wife and on the next day he also dies. However, th ...View More

INVADERS FROM SPACE / STARMAN | Full Length Classic Sci-Fi Movie | English

A bunch of pernicious salamander men from the planet Kulimon in the Moffit Galaxy plan on taking ove ...View More

Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959) (Great Quality)

Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959) Originally titled Grave Robbers from Outer Space; Residents of Califo ...View More

It's Alive! (1969, Horror) Tommy Kirk, Shirley Bonne, Bill Thurman | Movie

Trapped In a Cave of Terror! A loony farmer finds a prehistoric monster hiding in a cavern on his la ...View More

FROM.BEYOND | Mankind’s First Encounter with Alien Life in Unsettling Short Film

A kaleidoscopic vision portraying mankind’s first meeting with alien life, told through faux archiva ...View More

Sci-Fi Short Film About Life and Death

When a man (you) dies in a traffic accident he gets an answer to the biggest question of life. A se ...View More

Two Teenagers Face The End of the World Together

With the end of days upon them, two teenagers leave their remote religious community and travel into ...View More

Sci-Fi Short Film "To Err" | DUST | Online Premiere

237 years after mankind's extinction, an android longs for a past it can never experience. "To Err" ...View More

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